Moodle Moodle is a free and open-source learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalized learning environments.
Miro Miro is a digital whiteboard that make it easy to collaborate and collaborate with others. The software allows to create notes and designs, move things around and communicate through embedded video calls or online chats.
EdAPP EdAPP is a mobile-first learning platform that introduces a better way to train teams anytime, anywhere, on any device. It has a number of pre-built courses that can be edited and features where it’s possible to create your own course.
Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams is a free online communication platform from Microsoft including a workspace chat and videoconferencing, file storage, and application integration. The tool is part of the Microsoft 365.
Kahoot Kahoot is a tool that delivers and presents questions to students. It is set up as a game that students can play either individually or in groups.
Google Classroom Google Classroom is a free blended learning platform developed by Google for educational institutions that aim to simplify creating, distributing, and grading assignments.
Zoom Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing platform that can be used for video conferencing meetings, audio conferencing, webinars, meeting recordings, and live chat.
Classcraft Classcraft is a free online, educational role-playing game that teachers and students play together in the classroom.
Socrative Socrative is an interactive web-based student response system that help teachers to evaluate, stimulate conversation and learning through polls and quizzes.